The climate emergency and the ecosocial crisis raise the need for training tools to address their underlying causes and promote the protection and defense of the environmental rights of all people, especially those who are in situations of vulnerability and exclusion, and who are disproportionately affected by their impacts.

At INSTA we want to offer training experiences adapted to emerging trends and current challenges. That’s why we are happy to present our training program that includes, among others, several free online courses that will be developed throughout 2025 and that address a series of essential issues for the defense of the environment, people and communities. In this way, We hope to meet the training needs of people and entities interested in protecting the environment and addressing the current challenges of the climate emergency from a rights and justice approach.

Below is a summary of the courses (you can find more information here ). Registration is now open!

Our training program is developed within the framework of the project “Training and capacity building for the defense of environmental rights of vulnerable groups due to the climate emergency” (funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Call for Unique Projects 2024) which aims to develop a training service aimed at training people and organizations in the defense of the environmental rights of vulnerable groups, within the framework of a context of climate emergency and economic crisis.