sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:21+00:00 Economic report for the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia Gallery Economic report for the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Strategy of Catalonia Environmental and Territorial Studies Economic report for the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Strategy of CataloniaEnvironmental and Territorial Studies
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:20+00:00 Training pill in law and participation in environmental matters Gallery Training pill in law and participation in environmental matters Environmental Law Training pill in law and participation in environmental mattersEnvironmental Law
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:19+00:00 Improving the regulatory framework for the prevention of air pollution in public works in the AMB Gallery Improving the regulatory framework for the prevention of air pollution in public works in the AMB Environmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law Improving the regulatory framework for the prevention of air pollution in public works in the AMBEnvironmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:19+00:00 Organization of the course on Negotiation Techniques Gallery Organization of the course on Negotiation Techniques Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law Organization of the course on Negotiation TechniquesEnvironmental dialogue, Environmental Law
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:17+00:00 Collaboration in the writing of the “Map of actors of the socioecological systems of the metropolitan region of Barcelona” Gallery Collaboration in the writing of the “Map of actors of the socioecological systems of the metropolitan region of Barcelona” Environmental and Territorial Studies Collaboration in the writing of the “Map of actors of the socioecological systems of the metropolitan region of Barcelona”Environmental and Territorial Studies
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:16+00:00 Legal advice to the Delterpa association Gallery Legal advice to the Delterpa association Environmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law Legal advice to the Delterpa associationEnvironmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:15+00:00 Advice on the “Access To Land” project, for access to land in Europe Gallery Advice on the “Access To Land” project, for access to land in Europe Environmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law Advice on the “Access To Land” project, for access to land in EuropeEnvironmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:15+00:00 Advice to the Catalan Ombudsman Gallery Advice to the Catalan Ombudsman Environmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law Advice to the Catalan OmbudsmanEnvironmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law
sonosmedia2021-04-19T18:21:14+00:00 Training in coastal and hydrographic legislative developments Gallery Training in coastal and hydrographic legislative developments Environmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law Training in coastal and hydrographic legislative developmentsEnvironmental and Territorial Studies, Environmental dialogue, Environmental Law