The Land Stewardship Network of Catalonia, in collaboration with other European organizations, launched the Life project entitled “Land Life” to communicate the benefits and importance of land stewardship in the environment, in ecosystems and in our lifes.
After three years, the project culminates with the organization of the 1st European Congress of Land Stewardship, which will bring together in Barcelona, from 5 to 8 November, organizations and experts in land stewardship to discuss various areas of planning and management of natural spaces, innovative aspects, environmental advantages, communication, legal implications, etc.
The Congress is the starting point for a new European network that will further develop land stewardship in Europe. During the Congress, the Barcelona Declaration on Custody of the Territory will be drafted and signed. The Declaration will define the Vision and Mission through a collaborative process that will help to identify synergies between the actors with the aim of working together to promote land stewardship at both regional and European level.
Two members of INSTA, Joan Pons and Jordi Recorda, will participate in the Congress offering presentations on ecosystem services and land stewardship, the responsibility of stewardship entities and the management of aquatic environments, respectively.
For more information on the Congress click the link .