Project Description

The climate emergency and the ecosocial crisis raise the need to have tools to face their challenges and promote the protection of the environment and the defense of the environmental human rights of all people, especially those who are in a situation of climate and environmental vulnerability.

The Project “Training and capacity building for the defense of environmental rights of groups vulnerable to the climate emergency” (funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya, Call for Unique Projects 2024) aims to promote the training and capacity building of people and social entities that work in environmental protection, as well as of people and communities, especially those who, without being responsible, suffer disproportionately from the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation and are excluded from decision-making processes.

With this purpose, the project envisages carrying out a series of training actions, such as courses and seminars on topics related to the defense of environmental rights, the production of various related materials to meet training or capacity-building needs and decision-making, while promoting awareness, collaboration and the exchange of experiences and knowledge of entities, professionals and people interested in the defense of the environment, people and communities.



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