Project Description

INSTA has held the legal direction of a procedure to demand environmental liability (Law 26/2007, of 23 October, on Environmental Responsibility) against certain companies in the Tarragona petrochemical estate that work with pellets, in order to apply preventive measures to avoid the pollution of rivers and beaches in the province. This action has been promoted by the environmental organizations Good Karma Projects and Surfrider Foundation Spain .

Pellets in the environment are precursors to microplastics and nanoplastics. Once in the sea and in streams, microplastics damage biodiversity and ecosystems. The case concludes for the first time that the responsibility for the dumping is collective and establishes a link between the pollution and the activity of a dozen companies. The cause of this pollution is poor practice in the different stages of the plastic value chain and deficiencies in the facilities that have led to the waste being spread and accumulating in the environment.

The Generalitat has urged the identified companies to develop and implement an effective plastic loss management plan, aligned with future European Union regulations.