- Author : Jordi Recordà Cos
- Year of publication : 2012
- Editorial : Rovira i Virgili University
- Collection : Quaderns de Dret Ambiental, 6, 1a ed.
Quality water is a scarce resource that requires proper management to ensure its sustainability. Rational resource management has recently begun to be regulated by environmental law. In this regard, the management of the resource should be based on the precautionary principle to ensure good use, or sustainable use, that preserves the resource. Action should also be taken on the principle of using the best available technology, to be as efficient as possible when consuming water. The intention of this book is to delve into the current legal framework to study the potential it offers for water saving, including recent regulatory changes motivated by the current economic crisis. This analysis goes beyond the regulation of building-related savings mechanisms, and addresses the current need to make water resources of lower quality than drinking water accessible. Thus, the legal framework for using rainwater, groundwater, regenerated water and gray water is analyzed in depth. Finally, this study has not been considered exclusively from a legal perspective, but, taking into account the complexity and transversality of issues affecting water saving, as well as the training of the author, s ‘have taken into account other scientific disciplines with the aim of analyzing the problem from a holistic perspective.
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