INSTA is a multidisciplinary team specialized in environmental law. At INSTA we integrate legal and environmental knowledge to offer services tailored to clients, and work together for sustainability from the mastery of legal tools, providing a holistic and transversal vision.
We offer advisory services, legal defense and consulting in environmental law, environmental conflict management services and participation processes, and environmental consulting services, preparation of environmental studies and territorial analysis.
INSTA participation in the book “Legal Challenges at the End of the Fossil Fuel Era. Shaping a Just and Clean Energy Transition”
The book " has recently been publishedLegal Challenges at the End of the Fossil Fuel Era. Shaping a Just and Clean Energy Transition" from the publisher Palgrave Macmillan. In this book, relating to the complexities [...]
Presentation of the online training program for the defense of environmental rights in times of climate emergency and ecosocial crisis
The climate emergency and the ecosocial crisis raise the need for training tools to address their underlying causes and promote the protection and defense of the environmental rights of all people, especially those who are [...]
Leo Broadhurst develops his internship at INSTA
This month of May, Leo Broadhurst has joined INSTA to carry out his internship for the Pompeu Fabra University Law Degree. Leo is about to complete his Degree in Law at the Pompeu Fabra University, [...]
Ivan Hortigüela joins INSTA as a partner
After a few years as an employee of INSTA, Ivan Hortigüela has recently joined as a working partner of the cooperative. Ivan, who works as an environmental lawyer within the team, will take on the [...]