Report for the protection of the Alt Camp Drought Plain


La Plana de secà de l'Alt Camp is an agricultural area located between 14 municipalities in the region: Aiguamúrcia, Alió, Bràfim, Cabra del Camp, Pla de Santa Maria, Pont d'Armentera, Figuerola del Camp, Montferri, Nulles , Puigpelat, Vallmoll, Valls, Vila-rodona and Vilabella. Recently, initiatives promoted by organizations and companies in the region have highlighted the [...]

Advice for the creation of the Collserola Agricultural Contract


Advice for the creation of the Collserola Agricultural Contract Commissioned by the cooperative for the revitalization of agroecology, Arran de Terra, INSTA has prepared the necessary legal work to promote the Collserola Agricultural Contract (CAC). The CAC is projected as a system to recognize good agricultural practices within the framework of the Serra de Collserola, [...]

Online course of introduction to environmental law in Catalonia


Online course of introduction to environmental law in Catalonia Organized by the College of Environmentalists of Catalonia, INSTA has given an online training to introduce environmental law in Catalonia. With this new training of the Training School of the COAMB, of 14 teaching hours, we wanted to approach the law and environmental legislation from a [...]

Study on the regulation of tobacco waste


Study on the regulation of tobacco waste Commissioned by the Foundation Rezero , INSTA has prepared a report to analyze the regulatory framework for waste from tobacco consumption, especially butts. The study compared the Catalan, state and European legislative framework, while analyzing examples of regulation in certain areas. The study has also analyzed the legal [...]

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