Environmental dialogue for the future of all


An important obstacle for sustainable development are the problems of communication management and resolution of environmental conflicts between actors. When there are tensions in the territory due to environmental problems (climate change, drought, territorial imbalances, etc.), the impact on the environment also affects human relations. However, today the current methods of management [...]

El Cable – Energy Solidarity


Currently, the predominant relationship model between citizens and energy is characterized by a limited ability to act and make decisions on the part of the consumer, who ends up adopting a fundamentally passive role. We therefore find ourselves with citizen dependency within the energy system, in which there are a series of actors who, in [...]

Advice on the creation of Local Energy Communities


INSTA is offering advisory and support services in the creation of Local Energy Communities. This new reality, due to the energy transition, requires specialized legal advice on the administrative formalization of the Communities, legal fitting, the relationship between the agents involved, agreements and conventions between the parties, etc. INSTA, from its expertise and at the [...]

Climate change and energy transition course


Promoted by the College of Environmentalists of Catalonia, INSTA has taught and coordinated the online course on climate change and energy transition. The training addressed issues related to the legal framework for climate change and energy, as well as the transition to renewable energy, the fight against energy poverty and energy communities. The course also [...]

Participation in the Eudemon Project Advisory Board


Promoted by the Center for Territorial Sustainability (CST), the Eudemon project aims to develop a socio-ecological conflict resolution protocol applied to the fight against climate change and a fair energy transition. INSTA, through Joan Pons, has been invited to participate in the Advisory Board of the project in order to contribute its expertise in the [...]

Support and training services at CoopCamp 21-24


During the period 2021-2024, INSTA will offer support and training services to the Ateneu Cooperatiu del Camp de Tarragona, as a promoter. During this period INSTA will offer support in the field of legal formulation of Local Energy Communities, constitution of Agricultural Test Spaces and conflict management. At the same time, training will be offered [...]

Watteco, investment in renewable energy with social currency


INSTA has advised the cooperative company Watteco, an initiative that aims to help local communities to make the energy transition in a more collaborative and participatory way, involving citizens, facilitating the collective financing of renewable projects, rewarding to investors based on the energy generated and encouraging local trade with a virtual currency. INSTA's advice has [...]

Ordinance of terraces of Sant Feliu de Llobregat


INSTA has accompanied the City Council of Sant Feliu de Llobregat in the previous work and in the drafting of the new municipal ordinance regulating the terraces of bars and restaurants. During the process INSTA has drawn up a legal diagnosis of the current state and at the same time a participatory process has been [...]

Report for the protection of the Alt Camp Drought Plain


La Plana de secà de l'Alt Camp is an agricultural area located between 14 municipalities in the region: Aiguamúrcia, Alió, Bràfim, Cabra del Camp, Pla de Santa Maria, Pont d'Armentera, Figuerola del Camp, Montferri, Nulles , Puigpelat, Vallmoll, Valls, Vila-rodona and Vilabella. Recently, initiatives promoted by organizations and companies in the region have highlighted the [...]

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