The arrival of the Coronaviruses has taken us all by surprise, and when we were still debating whether it was a stronger flu or a new disease, we all found ourselves confined. The media has helped spread fear and uncertainty, and now it looks like life will no longer be as it used to be.

We had one already seen with other situations such as the last economic and social crisis, which we do not know if we have overcome at all. In any case, we could now recover hundreds of articles and reports in which we swore that we would never again make the mistakes we thought had brought us. And in the case of Covid-19, will we learn something or will we be as “normal” as before?

From now on will we be more supportive, will we cooperate more, and will we remember that the priority is not just work? Some of you will affirm and feel excited about this openness, and at the same time, we may wonder what steps we can take to consolidate new habits.

From INSTA, we want to inspire citizens by explaining ways to respond to this situation. For example, by providing elements that we believe are essential such as strengthening the bonds between people through a mode of communication that takes care of relationships, promoting active listening and empathy, and the empowerment of society.

We wanted to take our share of innovative responsibility. Thus, we apply in our projects the “restorative practices” that make up the elements we have described. We realize the positive impact they have on the trust they generate in the actors, the openness they create to find new solutions and unblock conflicts, the strength it gives to feel listened to and become aware of our needs and how we ourselves can take small steps to satisfy them.

We have had the privilege that one of the actions carried out by Jordi Recordà Cos, founding partner and member of INSTA, has been selected in an international guide that includes the restorative practices in environmental projects (available here ). In addition, we have recently been invited to join a European network ( European Forum for Restorative Justice ) to develop restorative practices on such complex issues as climate change.

We are confident that restorative practices will help us strengthen the resilience of citizens and, in this way, be more prepared and active for the next environmental and social changes.

And if by reading the guide you have new ideas, feel free to let us know. We want to keep networking!