Environmental liability procedure against microplastic pollution in Tarragona


INSTA has held the legal direction of a procedure to demand environmental liability (Law 26/2007, of 23 October, on Environmental Responsibility) against certain companies in the Tarragona petrochemical estate that work with pellets, in order to apply preventive measures to avoid the pollution of rivers and beaches in the province. This action has been promoted [...]

Legal and administrative advice to the La Vall Sostenible Energy Community


INSTA has offered legal and administrative advice to the Energy Community "La Vall Sostenible", a community energy project formed between the municipalities of Maspujols, Aleixar and Vilaplana. Our support has helped with the constitution of the community, the preparation of legal and administrative documentation, the management of subsidies, as well as the dynamization of certain [...]

Training on introduction to business risks and opportunities of climate change


Commissioned by the College of Environmental Scientists of Catalonia, INSTA has developed a course on the risks and opportunities that climate change can generate in the business world. This course allowed companies to learn about and manage the risks and opportunities that arise from climate change to improve their adaptation. In total, three sessions were [...]

Training and capacity building for the defense of the environmental rights of groups vulnerable to the climate emergency


The climate emergency and the ecosocial crisis raise the need to have tools to face their challenges and promote the protection of the environment and the defense of the environmental human rights of all people, especially those who are in a situation of climate and environmental vulnerability. The Project "Training and capacity [...]

Training on the European Green Deal


Within the framework of the training plan for the textile sector at the Tecnocampus in Mataró, INSTA has given a training session on the European Green Deal and its implications for the circular economy and the textile sector. The training included a review of the processing of the European Green Deal, its derivatives in the [...]

Study on the use of food waste for animal feed


Commissioned by the Espigoladors and Mercabarna Foundation, INSTA has prepared a legal study on the possibilities for using food waste for the production of livestock feed. The analysis included a study of the legal framework, implications and responsibilities of the parties, as well as the administrative circuit that would need to be followed.

Training on environmental aspects for energy planning


Commissioned by the Catalan Energy Institute, INSTA has developed a course on basic environmental aspects to take into account in energy planning in Catalonia. The course was aimed at technicians and technicians from the Regional Energy Transition Offices, with the aim of providing them with the basic knowledge and tools necessary to carry out their [...]

Legal report on urban espigolat


Commissioned by the Espigoladors Foundation and within the framework of the Urban(eat)a project, INSTA has drawn up a legal report on the activity of urban espigolat. The report analyzed the legal framework that would exist behind the use of urban fruits (parks, gardens, urban roads, etc.) and at the same time a legal analysis was [...]

Elaboration of a report on the regulation of urban birds


On behalf of Biodiversitat.cat, INSTA has drawn up an analysis report on the regulatory legal framework for urban birds. The report has updated the current legal framework, recently nuanced by some judicial pronouncements, in relation to the consideration of certain species of birds as wild in urban environments. The work has been key when the [...]

Renewable with the Territory


"Renewables with the Territory: a shared vision" promotes multi-sector dialogue with actors and protagonists of the energy transition, while encouraging participation to address the main issues and generate positive proposals, mechanisms and solutions taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects , of archaeological heritage and regulation. The project has proposed months of constant communication [...]

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