Presentation of the online training program for the defense of environmental rights in times of climate emergency and ecosocial crisis

The climate emergency and the ecosocial crisis raise the need for training tools to address their underlying causes and promote the protection and defense of the environmental rights of all people, especially those who are in situations of vulnerability and exclusion, and who are disproportionately affected by their impacts. At INSTA we want to offer [...]

2025-01-13T07:32:33+00:00January 13th, 2025|Environmental law, Formation|

Oferta de feina: jurista ambiental

Perfil demandat: Grau o llicenciatura en dret. Es valorarà formació en ciències ambientals i/o dret ambiental. Es valorarà especialment tenir coneixements i experiència en dret de l’energia, urbanisme, medi natural i litigació ambiental. Característiques de lloc de treball: Jurista ambiental que haurà de fer tasques d’assessorament jurídic ambiental, elaboració de dictàmens i informes, anàlisis normatius, [...]

2023-06-23T07:13:27+00:00June 23rd, 2023|Environmental law, General|

Decree Law 16/2019, local bodies and wind massification

There is a risk that with the reduction of the role of local bodies in the implementation of wind farms and photovoltaic solar plants and the streamlining of procedures, there will be new phenomena of massification in municipal terms with old or weak urban planning rules, or accentuate the phenomena already existing in some territories.

2021-04-19T19:38:33+00:00April 19th, 2021|Environmental law, Territories|

The Law of creation of the Agency of the Nature of Catalonia, forty days later

For those of us dedicated to environmental law in our day to day life, seeing Catalonia endow itself with new instruments to make its environmental legislative framework effective is always good news. Even more so when it comes to a legislative framework that is equipped with tools and resources.

2021-04-19T19:38:32+00:00April 19th, 2021|Environmental law|
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