25,000 European citizens have already signed the PEOPLE4SOIL petition to protect our food, health and nature

On World Soil Day 430 organizations call on Europe to give a right to land and save land. INSTA is part of the network of entities that support it.

2021-04-19T19:38:07+00:00April 19th, 2021|News, Soil protection|

Is the new culture of the territory new?

Reflections by Joan Pons, member of INSTA, on the concept of the new culture of the territory and its validity today. The new culture of the territory is not as new as we think, but what traditional ecology and territorial scientific knowledge has worked for so many years, now has its translation in the form of culture.

2021-04-19T19:38:07+00:00April 19th, 2021|Territories|

INSTA is a social and solidarity company

We are already present on the “Pam a pam” map. An initiative that promotes the social and solidarity economy (ESS) and that selects companies with these values based on an exhaustive analysis.

2021-04-19T19:38:05+00:00April 19th, 2021|News|

Municipal ordinances to reduce food waste?

Legal regulation of food waste can help implement more realistic and effective measures. Recently, France has regulated this issue. Other countries such as Belgium already have more regulatory experience, and have opted for action at the municipal level.

2021-04-19T19:38:03+00:00April 19th, 2021|Waste reduction|

We look out to sea

The Generalitat has begun the process of drafting the new Law for the Planning of the Coast of Catalonia, which aims to be based on an integrated management of the Catalan coastal area with the Generalitat as the reference administration and a greater role for coastal councils.

2021-04-19T19:38:02+00:00April 19th, 2021|Uncategorized|

New ISO 14001, marks a trend towards the unification of ISO standards.

With the new ISO 14.001 the environmental management system opens up to the drift of the unification of ISO standards for greater ease, in practice, for the implementation, review and maintenance of ISO standards in organizations that they make the great effort to implement a system of quality and above all, of environmental management. The following are the main changes between the two regulations that are the subject of study in this article, and where it is tried to shed some light on the substantive question: The new ISO 14001 marks a trend towards the unification of the ISO standards?

2021-04-19T19:38:01+00:00April 19th, 2021|Consulting|
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