Improving the regulatory framework for the prevention of air pollution in public works in the AMB

Project that INSTA develops for the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), with the aim of creating an optimal regulatory framework for the development of the works incorporating real criteria regarding air pollution during its execution bearing in mind especially the episodes of pollution in the its phases established by the Generalitat de Catalunya as in the phase of careful monitoring.

INSTA draws up an analysis of normative instruments that local bodies can develop to intervene in the regulation of the subject. Thus, in addition to assessing the possibility of developing a model ordinance model and / or creating an annex to existing ordinances, we offer new alternatives that will be useful in regulating the measures. agreed techniques. The different regulatory instruments that we analyze are compared, facilitating the identification of the most suitable for regulation.

On the other hand, creating a regulatory framework is a very demanding job due to the difficulty of agreeing on different actors and to obtain as a result an applicable and realistic tool. To respond to these challenges, we provide as an improvement the ability to organize working meetings with participatory tools.