Study on the roads of the Baix Llobregat

Commissioned by the Diputació de Barcelona and in joint work with the Baix Llobregat Regional Studies Center , INSTA has carried out a study on the environmental vectors that affect the investments and maintenance that the Diputació de Barcelona carries out in the road network of its ownership in the Baix Llobregat region.

In this study INSTA has analyzed which are the environmental vectors that must be taken into account in the maintenance and conservation of the roads of the Baix Llobregat managed by the Diputació and, at the same time, which sectorial regulations apply to it. To do this, INSTA developed a series of online map viewers with all the available environmental information, as well as a file of each road with the technical and environmental information that affected it. It was also analyzed how territorial and urban planning has an impact on these roads.

The end result aims to be a tool that helps the technicians of the Diputació de Barcelona when making decisions and maintaining roads while ensuring environmental conservation and compliance with regulations.